Join us this week with Gravitas Impact Premium Coach Sara Castiglioni from Buenos Aires as she addresses the three challenges your company might be facing as you move towards the future.

Castiglioni’s approach is direct, “Be the system you want to see in the world.” 

She recommends asking yourself, then your company, three critical questions:

Where are we?
Where do we want to be?
Why are we not there yet?

The impediments your company might be facing as you move towards the future fall into three categories:

PEOPLE: Do you have the right team in place?
FEAR: Do they feel like they have a voice?
LEADERSHIP: Are you, the CEO, stopping the change in your company?

Castiglioni advises CEOs to begin change within themselves as they implement a system, and culture, of innovation within their company.

1. Be Humble
2. Trust your Team
3. Be Willing to Take Risks